Failing Motherhood

BIG truths from a BAD Mom with Arianna Bradford

July 07, 2020 Danielle Bettmann | Wholeheartedly Episode 10
Failing Motherhood
BIG truths from a BAD Mom with Arianna Bradford
Show Notes

Headphones on, friends.  We're getting real (and sweary). 
Brace yourself for the belly laughs you need right now.

Arianna Bradford felt like she was failing motherhood so much she created the Not Your Average Mom Project and wrote a book about it that fights back. 
She believes...
...being human is not a reason to be ashamed. 
...we can't be good at something we've never done before. 
...there's no such thing as getting it ALL.DONE. guilt doesn't mean we've done something wrong.
...there's nothing special or magical about running yourself ragged.
...we're going to screw up our kids.  And we have to get over it.

We lament how hard it is to make friends, that pants are a conspiracy, how she'd rather be Batman than Wonder Woman (he has a social life and a much warmer wardrobe), and many other "truths" about motherhood.

You need this interview (and her new book) in your life.

Get Arianna's new book -
SHAME ON YOU - Big Truths from a Bad Mom



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